Youth Parliament Pakistan SINce @2021

Youth Parliament Pakistan ESTABLISHED in @2021
Founded by Visionary Leader Mr. Osama Nadeem Qureshi. His mission is to empowering youth to become visionary citizens and leaders through democratic process and session.


1. Youth Engagement:
Encourage young people to participate in democratic processes and discussions.

2. Leadership Development:
Foster leadership skills and critical thinking among youth.

3. Policy Advocacy: Provide a platform for youth to voice their opinions and influence policy decisions.

4. Community Service: Promote community service and social responsibility among young people.

5. Intergenerational Dialogue: Facilitate dialogue between youth and experienced leaders to promote mutual understanding.

About Youth Parliament Pakistan

Key Focus Areas:
1. Education and Skills Development
2. Healthcare and Wellness
3. Environmental Sustainability
4. Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship
5. Social Justice and Human Rights

1. Develop a network of young leaders across Pakistan
2. Organize regular sessions and events for youth engagement
3. Collaborate with stakeholders to influence policy decisions
4. Build partnerships with organizations for community service initiatives
5. Foster a culture of tolerance, inclusivity, and respect among youth

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Youth Parliament Pakistan has transformed my leadership skills and provided invaluable educational opportunities for personal growth.

Ali Khan

people laughing and talking outside during daytime
people laughing and talking outside during daytime

Empowering youth through education has inspired me to pursue my dreams and become a better leader.

Sara Ali

shallow focus photography of woman outdoor during day
shallow focus photography of woman outdoor during day

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